Services A-Z
- 25Live
- Account Management
- Accudemia
- Active Learning
- Adobe Sign
- Campus Software
- Classroom Support
- Computer Refresh
- Consultation - Audio/Visual
- Consultation - Custom Media solutions
- Consultation - Event Support
- Consultation - Help Desk Support
- Consultation - Instructional Design
- Consultation - Web Design
- Cougar Courses (Canvas)
- CougarApps
- CougarBot Chatbot - STAFF ONLY
- Cougars Affordable Learning Materials (CALM)
- Course Redesign
- Data Feeds
- Data Storage - Non Personal
- Data Storage - Personal
- Degree Planner
- Digital Signage
- eAdvising Tools
- Electronic Text
- Email - Employee
- Email - Student
- Email Distribution Lists
- Equipment Checkout
- Faculty Professional Development
- Field Production
- GIS Applications
- Inclusive Access of Course Materials
- Information Security
- Lucidchart
- Microsoft Screen stream recorder
- Microsoft Visio
- Mobile App
- myCSUSM - Campus Solutions (SIS)
- Network - Wireless
- Office 365
- OnBase
- Online Quality Assurance Program
- Password Management
- PeopleSoft - Common Financial System (CFS)
- Peoplesoft - Human Resources
- Printing - Employee
- Printing - Large Format
- Printing - Student
- Production studios
- Project Management
- Qualtrics
- RaDAR (Reporting and Data Analytics Repository)
- Request Technology
- Research Computing
- Servers
- Sharepoint
- Tableau
- Technology Training
- Telephone Services
- Web Services
- WuFoo
- Zoom
Desktop Computing
Enables community members to do their day-to-day work, including providing access to enterprise services. Includes Helpdesk, network access, user file storage, end-point computing backup solutions, computer labs, and printing.
Classroom Computers
IITS provides in person support services for all academic spaces.
Data Storage
CSUSM utilizes Microsoft Office365 Onedrive for personal storage.
Network Access
IITS provides network connectivity for campus users
Printing solutions
The campus has many software programs available for the campus community. Some of the software packages include versions that can be downloaded to users personal computers.
Technology Refresh Program
The Technology Refresh Program ensures that campus computers are upgraded on a consistent basis so that the campus can maintain a state-of-the-art infrastructure, thereby enhancing student learning and maintaining efficient administrative functions.